Simple theme


This theme is rather unobstrusive and might still be considered bare-bones. It uses a minimal amount of colour and lets you define your slides' content very freely.

Use it via

#import "@preview/polylux:0.3.1": *
#import themes.simple: *

#show: simple-theme.with(...)

simple uses regular headings for sections. Unless specified otherwise, first level headings create new sections. The regular #outline is configured such that it lists the names of all sections.

Second level headings are supposed to be used as slide titles and introduce some spacing below them.

Text is configured to have a base font size of 25 pt.

Options for initialisation

simple-theme accepts the following optional keyword arguments:

  • aspect-ratio: the aspect ratio of the slides, either "16-9" or "4-3", default is "16-9"
  • footer: text to display in the footer of every slide, default is []
  • background: background colour, default is white
  • foreground: text colour, default is black

Slide functions

simple provides the following custom slide functions:


A slide where the content is positioned in the center of the slide. Not suitable for content that exceeds one page.


Same as centered-slide but makes heading of level 1 not outlined, so that the presentation title does not show up in the outline. Not suitable for content that exceeds one page.


Decorates the provided content with a header containing the current section (if any) and a footer containing some custom text and the slide number.

#focus-slide(foreground: ..., background: ...)[

Draw attention with this variant where the content is displayed centered and text is enlarged. Optionally accepts a foreground colour (default: white) and background color (default: aqua.darken(50%)). Not suitable for content that exceeds one page.

Example code

The image at the top is created by the following code:

#import "@preview/polylux:0.3.1": *
#import themes.simple: *

#set text(font: "Inria Sans")

#show: simple-theme.with(
  footer: [Simple slides],

  = Keep it simple!

  Alpha #footnote[Uni Augsburg] #h(1em)
  Bravo #footnote[Uni Bayreuth] #h(1em)
  Charlie #footnote[Uni Chemnitz] #h(1em)

  July 23

  == First slide



  This is very important.

  = Let's start a new section!

  == Dynamic slide
  Did you know that...

  #pause can see the current section at the top of the slide?