Clean theme


This theme is a bit more opinionated than the simple theme but still supposed to be an off-the-shelf solution that fits many use cases.

Use it via

#import "@preview/polylux:0.3.1": *
#import themes.clean: *

#show: clean-theme.with(...)

clean uses polylux' section handling, the regular #outline() will not work properly, use #polylux-outline() instead.

Text is configured to have a base font size of 25 pt.

Options for initialisation

clean-theme accepts the following optional keyword arguments:

  • aspect-ratio: the aspect ratio of the slides, either "16-9" or "4-3", default is "16-9"
  • footer: text to display in the footer of every slide, default is []
  • short-title: short form of the presentation title, to be displayed on every slide, default: none
  • logo: some content (most likely an image) used as a logo on every slide, default: none
  • color: colour of decorative lines, default: teal

Slide functions

clean provides the following custom slide functions:


Creates a title slide where title and subtitle are put between decorative lines, along with logos and author and date infos. Accepts the following keyword arguments:

  • title: title of the presentation, default: none
  • subtitle: subtitle of the presentation, default: none
  • authors: authors of presentation, can be an array of contents or a single content, will be displayed in a grid, default: ()
  • date: date of the presentation, default: none
  • watermark: some content (most likely an image) used as a watermark behind the titlepage, default: none
  • secondlogo: some content (most likely an image) used as a second logo opposite to the regular logo on the title page, default: none

Does not accept additional content.


Decorates the provided content with a header containing the current section (if any), the short title of the presentation, and the logo; and a footer containing some custom text and the slide number.

Pass the slide title as a keyword argument title.

Accepts the following keyword arguments:

  • title: title of the slide, default: none,

#focus-slide(foreground: ..., background: ...)[

Draw attention with this variant where the content is displayed centered and text is enlarged. Optionally accepts a foreground colour (default: white) and background color (default: teal). Not suitable for content that exceeds one page.


Start a new section with the given name (string or content, positional argument). Creates a slide with this name in the center, a decorative line below, and nothing else. Use #polylux-outline() to display all sections, similarly to how you would use #outline() otherwise.

Example code

The image at the top is created by the following code:

#import "@preview/polylux:0.3.1": *
#import themes.clean: *

#set text(font: "Inria Sans")

#show: clean-theme.with(
  footer: [Author, institution],
  short-title: [Short title],
  logo: image("dummy-logo.png"),

  title: [Presentation title],
  subtitle: [Presentation subtitle],
  authors: ([Author A], [Author B], [Author C]),
  date: [January 1, 1970],
  watermark: image("dummy-watermark.png"),

#slide(title: [First slide title])[

#new-section-slide("The new section")

#slide(title: "Another slide")[
  Note that you can see the section title at the top.

  The rest of this slide will fill more than one page!



  This is very important.