Side by side

To make good use of the space on a slide, you will often want to place content next to each other. For convenience, toolbox provides the function #side-by-side for this purpose. It is basically a thin wrapper around the Typst function #grid but tailored towards this specific usecase. In its simplest form, you can use it as



As you can see, the content arguments you provide will be placed next to each other with equal proportions of width. A spacing (gutter) of 1em will also be put between them.

The widths and gutter can be configured using the columns and gutter optional arguments, respectively. They are propagated to #grid directly so you can look up possible values in its documentation (gutter and columns arguments). If not specified, they fall back to these defaults:

  • gutter: 1em
  • columns: (1fr,) * n if you provided n content arguments, that means an array with the value 1fr repeated n times.

A more complex example would therefore be:

#toolbox.side-by-side(gutter: 3mm, columns: (1fr, 2fr, 1fr))[
  #rect(width: 100%, stroke: none, fill: aqua)
  #rect(width: 100%, stroke: none, fill: teal)
  #rect(width: 100%, stroke: none, fill: eastern)
