Find next heading
It can be very convenient to specify something like slide titles using headings as they have a dedicated Typst syntax. While it might suffice to just style how a heading is displayed using a show rule, this is not feasible when the slide title is supposed to be part of the page header, for example.
For these situations, the toolbox provides
It takes a function mapping the body of the first heading on the same page (if
it exists) to some content.
The intended use is as such:
#set page(
paper: "presentation-16-9",
header: => underline(h))
#show heading.where(level: 1): none
#set align(horizon)
= My slide title
slide without a title
= Another title
Note the extra show rule for level-one headings making them invisible.
You can make
look for headings of other levels as well,
just specify the optional level
argument that defaults to 1