
Another way of expressing where we are in a presentation is working with sections.

In your presentation, you can incorporate the following features from the toolbox module:

First, whenever you want to start a new section, you can call


with whatever name you want.

Based on that, you can then display what section the presenter is currently in by using:


If no section has been registered so far, this is empty content ([]).

And finally, you might want to display some kind of overview over all the sections. This is achieved by:

#toolbox.all-sections((sections, current) => [some content])

all-sections takes a function with two arguments and uses that to produce some content based on all sections in the presentation and the current one.

For example:

#let sections-band = toolbox.all-sections( (sections, current) => {
  set text(fill: gray, size: .8em)
    .map(s => if s == current { strong(s) } else { s })
    .join([ • ])

#set page(footer: sections-band)

  #toolbox.register-section[The beginning]



  #toolbox.register-section[The middle]


  #toolbox.register-section[The end]



Another example, producing a table of contents and title slides for each new section:

#let my-new-section(name) = slide[
  #set align(horizon)
  #set text(size: 2em)


  #toolbox.all-sections((sections, current) => {

#my-new-section[The beginning]

  We are currently in Section "#toolbox.current-section" and I like it so far.

  Still in the same section.

#my-new-section[The middle]

  Oh, new section. What comes after "#toolbox.current-section"?

#my-new-section[The end]

  You might have guessed this, to be honest.
