

Polylux is a package for the typesetting system Typst to create presentation slides, just like you would use the beamer package in LaTeX. (So far, it is much less advanced than beamer, obviously.)

If you haven't heard of things like LaTeX's beamer before, here is how this works: As a rule of thumb, one slide becomes one PDF page, and most PDF viewers can display PDFs in the form of a slide show (usually by hitting the F5-key).

Polylux gives you:

  • Elegant yet powerful typesetting by the ever-improving Typst.
  • Fully customisable slides.
  • Dynamic slides (or overlays or (dis-)appearing content, or however you want to call it).
  • Some templates to get you up to speed quickly.

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Why the name?

A polylux is a brand of overhead projectors very common in Eastern German schools (where the main author of this package grew up). It fulfils a similar function to a projector, namely projecting visuals to a wall to aid a presentation. The German term for projector is beamer, and now you might understand how it all comes together. (The original author of the aforementioned LaTeX package is German as well.)

About this book

This book documents all features currently implemented in Polylux. Specifically, it describes the state of the package as it is pulished to the Typst package registry. The main branch of the Polylux repository may contain features not documented here.


This package is free and open source. You can find the code on GitHub where you can also create issues or pull requests.


Polylux is released under the MIT license.